Interpretive Development Program
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IDP Coaching Network

The Interpretive Development Program now provides a network of interpretive coaches who support the IDP on-line distance learning platform and provide coaching services for NPS interpreters. Each region has a team of lead coaches who train and support a network of local registered coaches within their regions.

What does a local registered coach do?
A local registered coach helps develop the skills of interpreters by reviewing and scoring the activities of the online interpretation courses offered through the NPS partnership with the Eppley Institute. As park employees complete the activities, the coach provides guidance and positive, specific feedback based on the scoring criteria for each course activity. Coaches use the online system to track and record course progress and award advanced certificates to interpreters who have met course requirements.

How do I find a registered coach to work with me on an advanced certificate?

Get a local coach
Ideally, your park has a registered coach available to work with you. To obtain an advanced certificate in the on-line courses, your coach must be trained and currently registered through the IDP coaching network. Ask our supervisor if your park has a coach to assist you. Alternatively, a qualified interpreter in your park may obtain the credentials needed to coach you (see How do I become a coach? below).

Find a remote coach
If you are an NPS employee, volunteer, or partner, you may obtain a coach by contacting your Regional Lead Coaching Team logistics coordinator (see list below).  The logistics coordinator will contact the registered coaches in your region and ask if anyone is available to coach you.

If you are not an NPS employee, volunteer, or partner you may contact a National Association for Interpretation Registered Coach by using the directory at

Who can become a local registered coach?
Supervisors, park rangers, seasonal leads – any interpreter with coaching and auditing responsibilities – may become a registered coach.

How do I become a local registered coach?
To become a Local Registered Coach you must attend a Local Registered Coach course (40-hour classroom course, with 16 hours of online prerequisites) in your region.  For a schedule of courses and application information, contact your Regional Lead Coaching Team logistics coordinator (listed above).


Last page update: July 26, 2010
Editor: STMA Training Manager Interpretation

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